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Memorial Day 2020: What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day?

What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day?

This is definitely an area I need to work on. I have difficulty slowing down and just being on a scheduled "down day". I am a very goal-oriented person that feels they need to be making progress. Every minute is scheduled and has a purpose. No relaxing until all the work is done. Is all the work ever done? On vacations I have plans (hikes, projects, meals, etc). On the one hand I think it is good to be focused with the end in mind, continually making progress towards your goals.

But, as an individual, a human being, we also need to take time to recharge, reflect, and evaluate. One of my favorite teaching moments is pointing out that we are often driving 100 miles an hour in the left lane. Are we even sure we are on the right highway? Movement and action are not always progress.

Another issue with this constant drive forward toward our goals is the feeling of not being enough. When we constantly look at goals unfulfilled, negative feelings dominate our perspective. Taking time to look at what you have already accomplished and celebrating those victories helps to keep your perspective more realistic.

I love this story based on a longer parable by Paulo Coelho: How much is enough?

The rich industrialist from the north was horrified to find the southern fisherman lying lazily beside his boat, smoking a pipe.

"Why aren't you out fishing?" said the industrialist.

"Because I have caught enough fish for the day," said the fisherman.

"Why don't you catch some more?" queried the industrialist.

The fisherman replied, "What would I do with them?"

"You could earn more money, " was the industrialist's reply. "With that you could have a motor fixed to your boat and go into deeper waters and catch more fish. Then you could make enough to buy nylon nets. These would bring you more fish and more money. Soon you would have enough to own two boats... maybe even a fleet of boats. Then you would be a rich man like me."

"What would I do then?" asked the fisherman.

The industrialist replied, "Then you could really enjoy life!"

The fisherman countered, "What do you think I am doing right now?"

Taking time out of the frantic push to make things happen in order to reflect, evaluate, celebrate, and most of all enjoy the ride we are on. This is the best way to spend a lazy day. I have learned to enjoy spending time just being with family, taking in the beauty of nature, cruising in my T-Bird, being fully immersed in what I am eating, and rolling some dice.

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